Monday, August 23, 2010


I haven't posted in a good 10+ months A LOT has happened,
I got a job at McDonalds and it really isn't that bad, and at times can be kind of fun. I'm quickly climbing the ladder there to.
And I've dated a few more girls none of them were really much, but i ended up almost losing my virginity a few times, and did a few things I'm not proud of. So far in my life I've only had 1 girlfriend who i look back upon without regret, and that would be Lexi. And then there's my current girlfriend, love of my life, and best friend of two years who I'm blessed to have.

I've lost 2 close friends both to reasons based loosely around guys, but I've found myself better off with the fact, my life is going great without them, they were only bringing me down.

I've also been legitimitly drunk a few times, the first time was New Years, boy that was a blast, a mickey and a half of fireball gone in like 5 minutes, then some other hard stuff later on. I spent a good part of the night on the floor, either sleeping on the stairs, or just not being able to stand xD. The rest was spent singing, being loud, and touching everyone.

The second time was my friend Trake's party. This one i regret. I got really drunk that i can't remember half the night, and cheated on my girlfriend. We were dating for like a week, and she was giving me mixed messages and thanks to alcohol i thought making out with Karina would be smart... it wasn't. That relationship was over within the next 24hrs. I definitely regret it, no girl deserves to be cheated on :/

The third time was with my friend Sharyse, and her friend Amber. 1/2 a 26 of sourpuss, and 1/4 a 26 of vodka had me feeling pretty happy, I don't remember to much, but i was living up to my tendency to throw myself down stairs, not fall but throw myself. and Amber was coming onto me the whole night if I didn't have a girlfriend that night would of been... interesting to say the least.

Then the most recent me and my best friend Cass drove his razor down to the rivervalley with a small bottle of crown, we drank it fast enough that we both had quite a buzz going on, and decided to go swimming, so we stripped to our boxers and went swimming, and i got stuck laying down in 6" of water... FAIL

I've also just lost a friend of mine, well not lost but she's moved to Edmonton (love you Lexi, I'll miss you tons) an I'm going to miss her, and i can't wait to see her again. French camp was absolutely EPIC!